Tuesday, October 4, 2011

HELP!! Why can't I leave comments?????

I have been trying to leave comments on posts and
Blogger is not either seeing me or it tells me that there are cookies in the way. 

I don't know what to do or where to begin fixing this!  HELP!!!


  1. Debra at Common Ground addressed this really well today. But Google bought out Blogger and switching your browser to Google Chrome will fix it. I use FireFox and have no problem. Internet Explorer apparently has issues with Blogger.

  2. I have Google Chrome and I am still having problems leaving comments. I am now using Firefox so if this comment goes through you'll know it works.

  3. I just downloaded Goggle Chrome today while my son was here and it still didn't work!
    Elisabethandco.blospot.com addressed this issue too, but still can't figure it out!

  4. My comments are going through but I can join anywhere:(:( I found 5 blogs I want to follow and when I try to- it knocks me offline.
    I'm using firefox and I dont usually have issus..
    I hope you get your comments working. good luck


  5. My daughter just fixed this problem for me over the weekend and I wrote a post about it today. It took her less than 5 minutes. I hope it works for you too!

  6. I am having the same problem! I can tell if my comment isn't going to take if it has "select profile" at the bottom of the comment box. If it has my name...it posts! Crazy!!

    Lou Cinda

  7. I am having the same problem, but it's only a few blogs that I can't leave a comment on.

  8. Lacy, Make sure you haven't checked 'stay signed in" at the blogger sign in page.
