Sunday, September 25, 2011

Printed Vinyl from Springfed Printing.

Ok, so I have been neglecting my blog.  Please forgive me!  I had a nice message from a follower this weekend that reminded me that I might need to get busy blogging again! 

Jane said; "girl i love the dresser but am now over it !! blog for godsake !!"

Thank you Jane.  You made me laugh and get busy.

I have good reasons for neglecting all of you though!  They are called my three kids!  Between volleyball and baseball practices, tournaments, Girl Scouts, FFA, FCA, Guitar & Piano Lessons, a part time job and house-keeping, there hasn't been a lot of time in between.  Some bloggers are SUPER MOMS!!  I am not.  I do enjoy sleeping! 
Where is the husband you ask?? 
He has one of those jobs that keeps him on the road alot.  So he doesn't have much time to help.

I promise I will share my recent and not so recent projects this week and try to keep them coming.  One thing that I have been recently obsessed with is my Cricut.  How did I ever live with out this baby??  I love her so and with that has come my new love for VINYL!!  I can't get enough!  I have vinyled up anything that it will stick too!  My monogram is on everything.

This is my new license plate for my car! 
Monograms & Gators!  Who could ask for anything more??

If you love vinyl, I have a great source for patterned Vinyl! 
You can get any color zebra, hounds tooth and more from this vendor.
While you are there check out all the amazing decals they offer. 
 The price is great and the color quality on
the vinyl is so much better than the other two sources I have purchased from online. 
 They are currently adding on more patterns too so keep checking in with them!
Here are just a sampling of what they have:

The possibilities are endless!  Tell them you found them through me!
Happy crafting!  I will see ya'll tomorrow!  I promise!

I am linking up with :


  1. Oh I just love your cute license plate! I hope you will add your lovely metamorphosis to my Fall in Love linky party on Wednesday.

    Until then, stop by and see the under $20 makeover I gave an ugly brass light fixture.

    Happy Monday!

  2. super lacy .. love that you are doing vinyl many applications with vinyl hhhmmm which way to go !!

  3. Thanks for the vinyl source. I will be looking into that houndstooth pattern.

  4. Love the license plate - I love vinyl & put it on just about anything I can. I LOVE the font you used. Would you mind sharing the name of it? I've been looking for one like this everywhere!

  5. Sitting near or at the top of my wish list is a cricut. I love the wonderful things you can do with it.

  6. Lacy very fun!! You are really inspiring me!

    I have linked up with Laura's Fall in Love with Your House Party!


    Art by Karena

  7. Lacy, Your license plate is just so cute! Can you believe I didn't know they made patterned vinyl? I have a Cricut but I have to admit I have never really got the hang of it. Maybe I need to pull it out and try again. Thanks for linking up to the Open House party.
