Friday, November 12, 2010

Crack is Whack!

But oh sooo good!  YUM!
And no I am not hanging with Bobby & Whitney!

Silly girls, this is my legalized drug!
I am so hooked that I was willing to get up at 5:30 this morning to get 140 boxes of crack!

I was thankful that the PoPo didn't stop me!
My car still has the sweet aroma that is Krispy Kreme!

Yes, I am dealer!  I hustled these bad boys to adult and kids alike!
We sold out with in 45 minutes!  The crowd got a little out of hand towards the end.
(Seriously, there were some angry adults, that were mad they didn't get a box!)

And Yes, I pray on the innocent and train them early in my dark ways!

I decided to come home after my early morning and enjoy a box of crack myself!

Are you a Krispy Kreme crack head too?
If not what is your drug?

Happy Friday! 


  1. Sorry, bad spelling above :)
    ARE You kidding me!!!!! They closed down the KK by us. They used to give tours and give away free donuts...My stomach is growling and all I want is a donut :)
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Oh YumO! The closest KK to me is an hour and a half away, I KNOW!!!

  3. My car wants to automatically turn into KK when the hot sign is on. Yes, it's totally addictive!

  4. They closed our Krispy Kreme also :(, one year they had pumpkin spice donut holes that were DELISH!!

  5. I love Krispy Kremes! And, a iced vanilla coffee with mine please!


  6. Hi Lacy, The KK is next door to my shop. Could this have something to do with my weight gain? lol

    I just posted about my win of the Moen Mirrorscape. Sorry it has taken me so long! Thanks again.
    Hugs, Sherry

  7. This is the kind of drug I like! Gimme some now!! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. I want, no need one, two oh who knows how many now!!! Like right stinkin now! You win!!LOL, Lori
